Monday, June 1, 2009

The news is: NO NEWS!

We may not know until September if Nelson gets the head farrier position at the racetrack! For Heaven's Sake! I have never known wheels that turned so slowly! I wish to never hear the term "Inshallah!" again! :) LOL Oh, well.......but that's what it's all about: if God wills it, it will be. And if not, then there's something better waiting and too bad for the fools at the racetrack! At this point, that's all we want to say about it. We were so excited that we are afraid we jinxed it. I guess you have to believe in that sort of thing and I'm not sure if we do really. Maybe a little bit. But there's plenty of time for good vibrations or prayers or whatever people do when they want to help. :) Whatever it is, we will welcome it!
Classes and exams are done. This week will be submitting grades, finishing up any last minute grading (I'm done except for one ISP research paper that was turned in late), working on a TESOL proposal for the 2010 conference in Boston, etc. We plan to break up our trip by staying over in Paris a couple of days when we come home. That will be so exciting. We are really looking forward to it! We should be home by July 4th! Woohoo. I'll see my grandson turn one!

Nelson and I are collaborating on our first book: Where the Hum Comes From. I will surely let you know when it's done and where you can buy a copy. It's our summer project. He also is planning on a book about how to trim and shoe your own horse...we suspect in this economy that there are a lot of folks out there who can't afford a farrier right now and while it's not ideal, a how to book with some common sense for horse owners might be a hot seller! :) I will also be putting together a poetry book I have been working on for several years called Verisimilitude. I am hoping that Nelson will contribute photos for it. It's almost complete and all I have to do is use the software necessary to create it and then get it published. Self-publishing is easier than ever now and we should even be able to make our work available on We'll see.

So, until my next update, stay tuned and we'll see you all soon!