Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Hello dear friends and family,
I apologize for the passage of better than 3 weeks with no blogging! It has been so hectic since I got back home from Boston and since we went to Egypt!

First of all, the great news is that MICHAEL GOT THE JOB! I'm so excited for him. It will be so wonderful to have someone from home here! It will be weird working with him. He is basically the same age as my son, Joey, but he's a great guy and we really like him a LOT. He will be a wonderful addition to QU!

We are plugging along with the horse training fun....can't seem to get all the duckies straight to actually get to a ride, but I've been able to do some riding, we've seen some great changes in the time we've been helping out at the farm, and it's a great stress reliever (most days). The riding has been a great joy to me. I hope it will work out beyond our trial period, but we still don't know what lies on the horizon of our future. Somehow, I WILL find a horse to ride next season, owned, leased or borrowed. I've missed it too much. I can't wait to get home and ride my own horse!

EGYPT! What can I say about Egypt? It was an absolutely fabulous experience. Our friend and hostess, Maryanne Stroud Gabbani, is a woman I deeply admire. She gave us the experience of a lifetime. We have tons of photos, many of which we posted on Facebook, but if you're not on Facebook, hopefully I will have done another Mixbook for this past year to show people when we get home. There is too much to tell really. If any of you are interested in reading more about the daily goings-on in Egypt, please check out these sites:


And Maryanne is simply a fascinating person anyway! I will post a few photos on my own blog, but she has tons more and is far better at blogging than I am!

I am ready to go home. I miss my kids, my grandkids, my horses, my state, my great lakes...life is good here. Don't get me wrong. But we're overdue. I must close now. I need some extra rest before I finish tackling the rest of the work I didn't get finished tonight in the morning. Good night all. Keep in touch!

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